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St Mary's Road SCN6 - COMPLETED

St Marys Scheme Drawing Rev B January 2022


  • Where: St Mary's Road (between Onslow Road and Charlotte Place)
  • When: Construction completed May 2022
  • What: Transport and highways improvements to support Active Travel Zone
  • Why: To create a more sustainable area for everyone living, working or visiting the shops, sports centre, local amenities and the Royal South Hants Hospital

Project Details

In March, we conducted a survey of businesses and residents to find out how people travelled in the area, their barriers to travel and where they would support changes to St Mary’s Road. Following this, work to improve cycling & crossing facilities and traffic signal technology on St Mary’s Road has been planned. St Mary's Road forms part of the SCN6 corridor on the Southampton Cycle Network (SCN), which runs from the city centre to Portswood and Eastleigh. St Mary's Road forms a connection between Charlotte Place and The Avenue and Bevois Valley Road - both of which have recently been upgraded with new cycle facilities. The road also provides access to Royal South Hants (RSH), Solent University and the Newtown-Nicholstown area.


  • To improve access for anyone living or working in the area, for customers visiting local shops and key workers travelling to the Royal South Hants.
  • To provide a connection between the SCN5 cycle route on The Avenue, Royal South Hants, Solent University and the Bedford Place/Polygon Active Travel Zone


Survey findings and how the design reflects feedback

You can see details from the survey of local residents and businesses on our FAQ page along with specific points made and how these have been considered as part of the proposed design.

Click here for more details on the scheme and how we'll be engaging on our proposals