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St Denys Road Engagement


In March 2022, the Council conducted a consultation on the scheme proposals for the St Denys Transport Corridor. The map used during this consultation is included below for reference. 

The results of the survey can be found by clicking here. 

After analysing the results of the surveys, the Council has made the following modifications to the schemes. Traffic Regulation Orders for the proposed schemes will be advertised shortly, and you can find them listed here when available.

1. A3035 St Denys Road junction with Belmont Road

Replacement of traffic signals at the junction of St Denys Road with Belmont Road with new crossing points (including a zebra crossing), the bus stop will be relocated to the western side of Belmont Road. Belmont Road between St Denys Road and Portswood Road would become one way in the northbound direction.

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We did

The zebra crossing will increase congestion at busy times

The delay caused by pedestrians using the crossing will be led than the delay caused by the operation of the traffic signals and as such journey times will improve along the corridor


Council is predicting that the changes along the St Denys Road corridor will improve journey times for buses in the order of 2mins AM Peak / 6 mins PM Peak for westbound direction, and 1min Am Peak / 5mins PM Peak for eastbound direction.

Making Belmont Road one way will displace traffic to other roads and make some journeys longer

Changes are proposed for the junction of Portswood Broadway / A3035 St Denys Road which will take into account the displaced traffic from making Belmont Road one way.


Journey times will increase for a small number of existing movements and access to residential properties. This is offset by the overall reduction in journey times along the main A3035 St Denys Road corridor.


Belmont Road has a high percentage of through route traffic for the residential street type (35% of traffic passes through along the road without stopping).

Retain the signals as it will be difficult to turn from Belmont Road onto St Denys Road

The removal of the signals is a key item in improving journey times along the A3035 St Denys Road corridor due to the delay they are causing. Alternate routes exist for motorists who are not comfortable with using a give way priority junction.


2. Westbound Cycle Lane on A3035 St Denys Road

Provision of a westbound cycle lane on the St Denys Road approach to Portswood from the junction with Thomas Lewis Way

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Cycle lanes should be provided in the eastbound direction as well

The carriageway width does not allow for cycle lanes in both directions and only in one direction. It is considered that cyclists travelling westbound uphill will benefit the most from a cycle lane


3. A3035 St Denys Road junction with Thomas Lewis Way

Extension of the southbound (left turn) lane from Thomas Lewis Way onto St Denys Road and changes to signal stage order to reduce congestion. The pedestrian and cycle crossing on the southern arm would also be upgrade

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General comments / concern about the order of signal stages

The order of the signal stages will change to optimise traffic movements to the junction, with the main change that north / south on A335 Thomas Lewis Way will run at the same time.


Traffic signal technology will be upgraded to allow for an adaptive and responsive signal operation that can adapt to real time traffic flows.

Introduce a pedestrian phase across A335 Thomas Lewis Way northern arm

A review of the signal phasing has shown that the introduction of a new pedestrian phase will lead to significant delays for all directions at the junction and is not in keeping with the scheme goals of reducing journey times along the A3035 St Denys Road corridor.


4. A3035 St Denys Road junction with Priory Road

Implementation of signalised pedestrian crossings on all four approaches to the junction of St Denys Road and Priory Road to improve pedestrian crossing facilities.

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The introduction of pedestrian stages will increase congestion

Crossing facilities will be provided within the existing pedestrian stage of the signal operation

The signals should have a yellow box junction

Under the Highway Code, a motorist must not enter the box until the exit is clear, which would apply for traffic entering from Priory Road – they would not be able to enter the junction if it is not clear.

Council will monitor the scheme after implementation and make a decision of a yellow box junction would assist with movements from Priory Road, but it is not proposed at this time.


5. Protected cycle lanes on A3035 St Denys Road

Installation of protected cycle lanes on both sides of St Denys Road between Adelaide Road and Riverside Park. On street parking on St Denys Road near Priory Road and Stanley Road would be removed

You said

We did

Safety concerns about the cycle lane ending at Adelaide Road westbound

The design has been amended to continue the on road cycle lane across the Adelaide Road junction. A transition zone will be formalised to manage the conflict between cyclists and motorists in lane 1 of St Denys Road across the rail bridge to the approach to Thomas Lewis Way. Due to width constraints, lane 1 over the rail bridge will be a mixed traffic lane

The use of light segregation is not support and other alternatives such as kerb protection should be used

Cycle design guidance allows for the use of intermittent physical features placed along the edge of a mandatory cycle lane to provide additional protection.

The removal of on street parking is a concern including activities for business operation

The consideration of the need for on street parking needs to be balances against the function of A3035 St Denys Road as a strategic corridor. On street parking activates delay motorist and the public transport corridor, and creates a gap in the provision of cycle lanes along the corridor.

An examination will be made of existing parking restrictions on side roads to determine if there is a need for new loading bays in areas to support business activity on A3035 St Denys Road.