PROJECT: What are the aims of these proposals?
We want to create a more attractive and safer Portswood. The proposals include significant bus priority upgrades, improved facilities for cycling and walking and reducing the amount of traffic through Portswood. This will result in a greener, more pleasant environment for everyone living, working, studying and spending time in Portswood.
PROJECT: Why was Portswood chosen?
With all its shops and cafes, this area has a high amount of footfall and reducing through traffic at this point will have a considerable benefit for users of Portswood. It will allow us to improve public space, increase the use of sustainable travel to and within the area, improve air quality, increase road safety and creating better connections into and out of Southampton City Centre.
PROJECT: Where is the funding coming from?
This funding for this project comes from the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund. In March 2020, Southampton City Council, in partnership with Hampshire County Council, was awarded £57M to deliver an ambitious package of transport improvements. Full details of the bid can be found here and an overview of the schemes here.
PROJECT: Will I still be able to drive to the area to come shopping?
Yes, you will. Access will be maintained to the Council car park on Westridge Road, as well as to other car parks including those at Sainsbury’s and Waitrose.
PROJECT: Can we add more green space along the Broadway?
Within the trial, we are proposing several new planters on and around the Broadway. The introduction of bee-friendly bus stops will also help improve biodiversity. The aim is to make this a more pleasant space to shop, enjoy and meet people.
PROJECT: What impact will these plans have on disabled parking provision on the Broadway?
The existing disabled parking bays (approx. 17m in length) north-west of its junction with Westridge Road will be replaced with double yellow lines. Outside of bus gate hours, blue badge holders could still park in this area as blue badge holders are permitted to park on double yellow lines for up to 3 hours.
New disabled parking bays will be introduced opposite the Westridge Road junction. These will replace approx. 22m length of existing parking bay (Mon-Sat 8am-6pm 30min limit).
PROJECT: Can we trial the scheme before implementing it permanently?
The bus gate and ATZs will both be introduced on a trial basis for a minimum of 6 months to assess the potential impact.
At the end of the trial period, a decision will be made by the Council on how to proceed; this could mean making the bus gate permanent, amending the scheme and extending the trial period, or removing the scheme. Any decision will be made taking into account to what extent the project achieves its objectives, as measured by an independent consultant, and considering recommendations of the Portswood Project Steering Group.
PROJECT: Won’t restricting the traffic along the Broadway push traffic into other areas?
In the first round of consultation, many people raised the concern about additional traffic using local roads to get through the area, should a bus gate be introduced.
As part of a package of mitigation, Active Travel Zones (ATZs) in the Highfield area to the north-west and in Portswood south of the Broadway were proposed.
ATZs are neighbourhoods that encourage active travel through a range of measures which calm or discourage traffic, reduce rat running and instead prioritise people walking, wheeling and cycling while at the same time maintaining motor vehicle access for those who live there. Interventions for ATZs are scalable and could include measures such as speed cushions, improved crossing points or traffic filters.
Residents were invited to attend workshops to co-design measures for the ATZ. The main area of focus for these workshops was Brookvale Road, Abbotts Way, Russell Place, Westridge Road and Belmont Road.
PROJECT: What are you doing to help people who choose to cycle?
People who choose to cycle will still be allowed to cycle along the Broadway at all times as they currently do. We will also be providing additional cycle parking on the Broadway, a new contraflow cycle lane on St Denys Road spur, and cycle bypasses at the buildouts in the ATZ.
PROJECT: Can we spend this money on something else?
This money has been awarded to Southampton City Council from the Department for Transport to improve our public transport service, walking and cycling areas around Portswood.
PROJECT: How can I find out more about the Portswood Project Scheme?
We would like to invite you to two drop-in sessions which will be held at the corner of Portswood Road and St Denys Road weather permitting on Wednesday 6th September (4-7pm) and Monday 11th September (4-7pm) where you will be able to ask questions and get any clarifications on the proposals.
Should you have any further questions you do not feel are covered on these pages, please email us at
PROJECT: What consultation has there been with residents?
To develop the Portswood Project the Council has undertaken extensive public consultation including:
- 2020: online perception survey
- 2021: on-street customer survey
- 2022: phase 1 public consultation online and in-person
- 2023:
- Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
- Phase 2 public consultation online and in-person
- “Meet the Leader” event for businesses
- Accessibility Forum
- Business engagement forum
- 2024:
- Cabinet
- Steering Group meetings
- ATZ co-design workshops
- TRO consultation
For more details visit our consultation page.
PROJECT: What is a local travel hub?
A local travel hub has travel options located close to one another that are designed for user convenience and to encourage more sustainable travel choices.
Options for local travel hubs in Southampton are currently being investigated. Features could include cycle parking, cycle hire, a bike maintenance hub, electric vehicle charging points, electric vehicle hire, disabled parking, public green space and a micro freight hub to support local deliveries. E-scooter hire is also an option as part of local trials.
PROJECT: Many of the roads and pavements in the area require repairs. Would this be included in the project?
Transforming Cities Fund money has been allocated to improve our public transport service, walking and cycling areas around Portswood. As part of the works, some resurfacing will be carried out on the Broadway.
The bus gate and ATZs will both be introduced on a trial basis for a minimum of 6 months to assess the potential impact. At the end of the trial period, a decision will be made by the Council on how to proceed; this could mean making the bus gate permanent, amending the scheme and extending the trial period, or removing the scheme. If budget is available, additional resurfacing could be considered as part of any permanent scheme.
PROJECT: What is the legal position regarding the use of e-scooters with regard to using roads, cycle lanes and pavements?
Only hire E-scooters are legal to use. They will need to be used on the road or cycle lanes.
We are trialling an e-scooter hiring system across the city and many people have raised concerns about people riding on the footway or other unsociable use. Should you see an incident you can report it here (Voi Scooters - Report a Voi) which will then be investigated. The Council has been working with Voi to undertake on site enforcement in the Portswood Broadway area to issue warnings / riding bans for pavement riding.
CONSTRUCTION: What works are you doing and where?
We are introducing a part-time bus/taxi/cycle-only section of Portswood Road, between St Denys Road spur and Westridge Road, as well as Active Travel Zones (ATZs) and 20mph signage in neighbouring streets. Maps for work locations can be found at the end of the FAQs.
CONSTRUCTION: When are you starting works and how long will it take to deliver this scheme?
Please see below for an overview of the planned schedule:
- Bus Gate Installation - works are expected to begin Monday 6 January 2025 and to take approximately 2 weeks to complete.
- Active Travel Zones – works are expected to begin Monday 6 January 2025 and to take approximately 3 weeks to complete.
- 20 mph signage - works are expected to begin Monday 6 January 2025 and to take approximately 3 weeks to complete.
CONSTRUCTION: Will my bus route be affected by the construction?
Whilst we work closely with the bus operators to alert them of any future or current works, they will design and maintain their own diversions or temporary stops. If you are planning to travel by bus during this scheme, please check in advance with your bus service to see if your route is affected at Bluestar – Shining across your city.
CONSTRUCTION: Will I experience delays whilst travelling?
The temporary traffic management that is in place to ensure the safety of the public and our workforce is likely to extend travelling times. To help with planning your journey, please see map below for alternative routes.
CONSTRUCTION: Why is there a night-time road closure Portswood Road from Westridge Road to St Denys Road spur?
There will be overnight road closures on Portswood Road from Monday 13 January for 5 nights between the hours of 8:00pm-6:00am to complete resurfacing.
In addition to this, St Denys Road spur will be closed 24 hours a day for the entirety of the 2 weeks to create a welfare, storage and safety zone for our team whilst we carry out construction.
CONSTRUCTION: Why are there daytime road closures on Brookvale Road, Belmont Road and Russell Place?
Daytime closures are in place to allow for buildouts to be constructed in the Active Travel Zones.
Brookvale Road will have multiple buildouts constructed, so works in this area will be delivered in stages. Closures will be limited to the vicinity of the working area, and signed diversion routes will be in place.
CONSTRUCTION: How will you keep residents and businesses updated?
Individual properties and businesses directly affected by the scheme will initially be contacted by letter or email. For further updates on works, visit the Portswood Project page.
CONSTRUCTION: Who will be undertaking the construction works?
Balfour Beatty are working in partnership with Southampton City Council to manage the highways service across city and will be carrying out this Department for Transport funded work.
CONSTRUCTION: How do I get in touch to ask a question or find out more?
You can reach our customer services team by emailing, where we aim to get back to standard enquiries within 5 working days. Our team on site work considerately, if you do have any concern or queries, please speak to them when they arrive on site and they will do their best to help.
CONSTRUCTION: Why are you doing this work?
The project aims to restrict general traffic through the Broadway to improve bus journey times and conditions for people who are walking and wheeling around the Portswood area.
The proposals have been developed with advice from a local Steering Group. For more background on the project visit the Portswood Project page.
TRIAL: What restrictions will apply?
The bus/taxi/cycle-only section of Portswood Road will be operational Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7:00am-10:00am and 4:00pm-7:00pm. During the trial, access will be maintained northbound through the bus gate for large vehicles over 7.5t, with a new loading bay on St Denys Road spur. Emergency service vehicles will be exempt from these restrictions.
TRIAL: When will the bus/taxi/cycle only section of road be enforced?
If camera enforcement is deemed necessary, this is expected to start approximately 2 weeks after bus gate signage is displayed.
TRIAL: What is the penalty for driving through the bus gate (if not an authorised vehicle)?
For an initial period, drivers that contravene the restriction will receive a Warning Notice, and on their second contravention, they will receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £70 (reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days).
Warning Letters and PCNs will be sent through the post. To allow enough time between a Warning Notice being processed and received by the driver, there will be approximately two weeks after a Warning Notice is activated before a PCN is issued.
TRIAL: What will happen to any income generated by PCNs?
All money received from Penalty Charge Notices will be used to pay for the upkeep and running of the camera system and any surplus funds are reinvested into Southampton’s transport network as set out in national legislation.
TRIAL: Who is allowed through the bus/taxi/cycle section of road?
Only authorised vehicles are allowed, these include:
- Buses
- Taxis (Taxis that are not locally licenced by Southampton City Council cannot use the bus gate - 09:30 - 10:00 and 18:30 - 19:00).
- Cyclists, E-scooters and E-bikes (not motorcycles/mopeds)
- Emergency vehicles
- Any other service vehicle, carrying out a statutory duty e.g. gritting, refuse collection, that cannot use another route for their purpose and require constant use of the vehicle.
TRIAL: I’m a Southampton registered taxi, can I access the bus/taxi/cycle only section?
Yes, all private hire vehicles registered in Southampton are allowed in the bus/taxi/cycle only section.
TRIAL: Are the changes to this area permanent?
The bus gate and ATZs will both be introduced on a trial basis for a minimum of 6 months to assess the potential impact.
At the end of the trial period, a decision will be made by the Council on how to proceed; this could mean making the bus gate permanent, amending the scheme and extending the trial period, or removing the scheme. Any decision will be made taking into account to what extent the project achieves its objectives, as measured by an independent consultant, and considering recommendations of the Portswood Project Steering Group
TRIAL: How do I drive to Portswood during bus gate hours?
Portswood District Centre, car parks and surrounding residential streets are still accessible by car, but you will not be able to drive via Portswood Road between Westridge Road and St Denys Road spur during bus gate hours.
If you are not visiting Portswood District Centre or the surrounding residential streets, A335 Thomas Lewis Way provides a parallel route north-south. In 2023 works were completed on Thomas Lewis Way to increase its capacity and reduce congestion.
The map below shows the new restrictions, and access routes by car for the wider area.