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Electric vehicle charging points

Electric vehicle charging points

Electric vehicles in Southampton

We currently have 44 electric vehicle charging points installed across the city. We are working with partners to install additional points to ensure we meet growing demand for accessible, quick and efficient charging points.

See the map above for where you can charge your electric vehicle in Southampton. Charging at all of our existing sites is free for an introductory period.

To use these charging points you will need to apply for a charge card.

We are also installing a taxi-only rapid charging point. This will be completed in summer 2019.

Keep an eye on this page to find out where more charging points are being installed.


We are offering a variety of incentives to EV drivers in Southampton. We want to encourage the switch to low emission vehicles.

City centre season ticket parking reductions

We are currently offering a 90% discount on any city centre season ticket for electric vehicle users.

Thinking of buying a new vehicle?

If you are, let us know! We want to find out the views of current electric vehicle owners and prospective buyers to get an early indication of where charge points may need to be installed on-street. Email us on

For independent information about electric vehicles you can visit Next Green Car.

Why should you change to a low emission vehicle?

Vehicles in the UK are predominantly petrol or diesel powered, producing 331,000 tonnes of NOx pollutants nationwide (DEFRA, 2016). For this reason we fully support a move from combustion engine vehicles to electric ones, and are doing a number of things to encourage this transformation.

On this page you will find a list of our charging points and a list of the ongoing concessions offered to electric vehicle drivers in Southampton. Keep coming back for further updates on what we have on offer as our charge point network grows.

Benefits of switching

By switching to a zero emission capable vehicle you can save money on fuel costs, reduce harmful vehicle emissions and help clean up Southampton's air.

There are also financial benefits:

Our own fleet of smaller vehicles

By 2020, a proportion of Southampton City Council’s fleet of vehicles will be electric. This will be done by exchanging vehicles that need replacing for electric ones. We have purchased the first six, which are now in use.