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Safer Routes to School - Fairisle Schools

Fairisle Schools Hero Image


  • Where: Fairisle Road
  • When: Summer 2024
  • What: Safer Routes to School
  • Why: To improve the routes to Fairisle Schools to make them safer for getting to school and local people walking, cycling and wheeling.
  • How: Funding from the Government’s Active Travel Fund and Section 106 Developer Contributions

Latest Updates

August 2024

Unfortunately, due to a resourcing issue, the work will now start on Monday 12th August 2024, one week later than planned.

In order to finish as close to the original end date as possible, our resurfacing works will now take place during the main installation of the work rather than towards the end, and the work is still expected to be completed prior to the start of the new school year.


July 2024 

The TRO consultation closed in March 2024 and the design for the scheme has been finalised. The construction works will take place from Monday 5th August for approximately 4 weeks.

During the installation of the crossing, temporary traffic signals will be in use to guide traffic around the works area, however two-way traffic will be maintained. Pedestrian access throughout the works will also continue using either alternative or temporary walkways. Cyclists may be asked to dismount in order to navigate the works area safely.

Following the initial installation, we will then resurface a portion of Fairisle Road and add the new road markings, which will take place for approximately 2 days, with a larger closure extent required for this work. We will write to nearby residents closer to the time with more information on this phase.

April 2024 

Following a review of your responses to the travel perception survey and assessment of what options were feasible to take forwards, we carried out a formal consultation through the Traffic Regulation Order process. This allowed residents to comment on the proposed measures for construction. Details of the TRO consultation can be found here. 

The proposed measures that were consulted on were: 

  • A parallel crossing on Fairisle Road to enable safer pedestrian and cycle crossings. Including resurfacing of the cycle path and the carriageway.  
  • Introduction of a 20mph limit on Fairisle Road, Malin Close, Orkney Close and Starboard Way.  
  • Introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of Malin Close and Fairisle Road. Relocation of the School Keep Clear zigzags.  

February 2024 

In December 2023, we carried out a travel perception survey with residents living near to Fairisle Road and pupils, parents and staff at the local schools. We wanted to hear your views on barriers to active travel, road safety issues, and potential solutions to the issues you identified. We reviewed the responses and considered what measures could be introduced to address the concerns you raised (see summary of survey results below). 

Summary of Survey Results

Adults survey - including local residents, parents of children at the Fairisle Schools, and school staff 

  • The main modes of travel within the area are motor vehicle or walking, and over half of respondents use their main mode of travel because it is convenient. 
  • The most frequently selected barriers to cycling in the area are that the road/infrastructure is not safe (38%), and because of too many cars (38%). 
  • The most selected barrier to walking in the area is the time or distance of the journey (31%). 
  • Respondents told us that they were most satisfied with the access to local amenities (71%) and connections to public transport (70%).  
  • Respondents told us that they were least satisfied with the safety of children on the way to and from school (67%), the condition of the pavements (53%) and the ease of crossing roads on foot (52%).  
  • 94% of respondents support proposals to improve walking and cycling and 78% said that improvements to walking and cycling will support the reduction of congestion and air pollution. 56% of respondents said that improvements to walking and cycling will encourage them to walk or cycle more.  
  • 97% support improvements to road safety and 63% support lower speed limits.  
  • There were 31 separate suggestions made within the survey to restrict parking and increase parking enforcement.  

Pupil survey 

  • 81% of pupils told us that they would like fewer cars on the street when they go to and from school. 
  • 86% would like more places to safely cross the road.  
  • 79% of pupils would like more space to walk, cycle, scoot and wheel to school.  

Please see the report analysis for results from the travel perception survey.

Project Details

The project is part of Southampton’s Safer Routes to School programme designed to improve road safety on the way to school. 

It will provide: 

  • A new parallel cycle and pedestrian crossing across Fairisle Road between Starboard Way and Orkney Close, 
  • 20mph speed limit on Fairisle Road, Malin Close, Orkney Close and Starboard Way, and 
  • Relocation of the existing School Keep Clear road markings, and new no waiting at any time double yellow lines at junction of Malin Close and Fairisle Road. 

A photo of an example parallel crossing located in Shirley

A photo of an example parallel crossing located in Shirley

This is to provide a safe place for people to cross Fairisle Road to get to the schools and Lordshill Centre connecting the two existing sections of cycle route with a permanent crossing point place The adjustments to speed limit and road markings help to make it safer around the school and provide better visibility for people crossing the road This helps to create an environment to encourage more people to walk and cycle.