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Bitterne Road East Consultation

Traffic Regulation Order - November 2024

Following consultation in Autumn 2023 the designs were revised and re consulted on for three weeks in November 2024 (1st November 2024 to 22nd November 2024) which included a TRO process supported with project webpage containing the General Arrangement Drawings, a summary of the proposed work and simplified stick diagram. A letter drops to 1,881 properties previously consulted was repeated to promote the consultation period as well as notices on lamp columns.  

The consultation received 33 responses: 15 objections, 13 comments and 4 responses in support. The objects can be summarised as follows: 

  1. Waste of Council funding - The scheme has been funded by a grant from Active Travel England to improve the walking and cycling facilities to encourage more people to choose the active travel option when making local and medium length journeys.
  2. There is not enough capacity already for the loss of on street Parking on Keynsham Road - The restrictions will prevent obstructive parking in the vicinity of the sharp corner for existing vehicle movements. The highway authority must balance the need of all road users, the primary purpose of the highway is for vehicles and pedestrians to travel. A parking beat survey has been carried out showing there is capacity to accommodate the two spaces lost.
  3. Adding cycle lane on Bitterne Road East service road will be loss of on street parking, unsafe and prevent refuse vehicles accessing – This has been misunderstood as no cycle lanes are proposed for this road. The cycle quietway that routes via this road will be on road with low levels and low speed traffic. Therefore, this concern will not occur.  
  4. Encouraging cycles to use the service road is unsafe and will cause conflicts with vehicle – The scheme has been subject to a detailed design process in accordance with all relevant design standards and guidance. The design is subject to a Road Safety Audit by third party and Road Safety will continue to be monitored post implementation.  
  5. Vehicles will ignore the 20mph speed limit / this limit is not needed – National policy guidance is also clear that vehicle speeds should be below 20mph on quieter routes to create safe and comfortable streets for walking and cycling.Southampton City Council is committed to ensuring the city’s streets are safe for everyone who uses them. This is aligned with the Corporate Plan and Connected Southampton 2040 Local Transport Plan. 
  6. Cyclists will continue to use the main Bitterne Road East carriageway rather than the provided cycling facilities – Whist the scheme introduces facilities for cyclist to use, it is for individual cyclists to decide if they wish to use the facilities provided. All cyclists have the right to use any route where they are not prohibited. It is however hoped that this scheme will encourage and support all cyclists including those who may be less confident cyclists to choose an active method of travel rather than driving. 

Perceptions Survey - July 2022

We originally undertook a survey in July 2022 to understand the views of local people toward the facilities for walking and cycling on Bitterne Road East.

The results of the survey can be found here.