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Changes to UHS Hospital Residential Parking


  • Where: University Hospital Southampton (UHS) surrounding area
  • When: August 2020
  • What: Update on the decision to introduce residents parking schemes around the UHS
  • Why: This is an outcome from a formal consultation on proposed residents parking schemes around the UHS undertaken in June 2019. 
  • How: Communication via letters, emails and Stay Connected


Decision Update

University Hospital Southampton (UHS) Residents Parking Schemes – Decision Update
Following discussions with Ward Councillors and the UHS Travel and Transport Team, the Council has decided to recommence work on residents parking schemes around the hospital, paused for the COVID 19 pandemic.

The links below provide further information on Decisions made by the Council following the public consultation and maps of the localities where parking restrictions are now planned to be introduced from late 2020 to early 2021.

There will also be a supplementary consultation on modified proposals in the Thorndike Road locality

Further information on permits and permit parking is available on the council's website

People can also stay in touch with the project by registering for our Stay Connected email updates

For enquiries regarding this consultation: please email us.