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Millbrook Road West widening - COMPLETED

Millbrook Road West Widening Web Banner


  • Where: Millbrook Road West 
  • When: COMPLETE
  • What: Widen Millbrook Road West eastbound on the approach to Regents Park Road
  • Why: To improve traffic flow and open the possibility for Southampton’s first Park & Ride site
  • How: Funded as part of a Transforming Cities Fund awarded in March 2020

Latest News

August 2021 Update

We are pleased to confirm the completion of the works on Millbrook Road West. These works included widening the main road and modifying the service road junction on Regents Park Road to a permanently left turn only. Please see the before and after images below to see these improvements. The Transforming Cities Fund allowed instillations of:

  • A permanent left turn on the service road junction on Regents Park Road
  • widen the main road
  • kerbs and central reservation for the new lane alongside new surfacing
  • Replaced the top surface on part of King George’s Avenue at the junction with Millbrook Road West and the service road.

We truly appreciate your patience and thank the businesses and residents impacted by the road construction!




July 2021 Update - Regents Park Service Road

These works are now complete.

July 2021 Update- Regents Park Road 

These works are now complete.

June 2021 Update

These works are now complete.

Phases 1 to 3 : From 14 June for up to 3 week working.

These works are now complete.

Phase 4: 5 July for 2 nights  - Carriageway Surfacing.

These works are now complete. 

Phase 5: Later this summer for up to 3 weeks - Junction improvement works.

These works are now complete.

May 2021 Update

Despite some challenge, we are working on phase B3 and only about 2-3 days behind schedule. Some of the challenges include uncovering a void (an old underground service chamber) which had to be capped off and buried, we also uncovered old drainage pipes containing asbestos which had to be taken away by specialises for safe disposal. The images below show works in phase B1 & B2, where we were relocating the central reservation and installing the foundations for the new lane on the main road. Click on any of the images to enlarge. 


Project details

Work started on Monday 22 February and will take up to 17 weeks to complete, working Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 4.30pm. The works to widen Millbrook Road West are quite complex requiring the relocation of a gas main within the central reservation between the main road and service road. Our crew will be working alongside Southern Gas Network to move the central reservation. 

At the end of the scheme, we also plan to resurface the full length of the service road from King George’s Avenue to Regents Park Road. As this has not been programmed yet, we will be updating you here and write to those directly affected closer to the time.

The initial 17 weeks of work will restrict access to the service road from the beginning, details for each of the two gas works phases and four central reservation build phases are as follows:

Phase G1: 22 February for up to 2 weeks – From Regents Park Road to Whitehouse Garden (click to see map)
This will start to relocate the gas main in the central reservation into the service road to allow the kerbs to be relocated in the next phases. Access to the shops and Whitehouse Gardens will be from King George’s Avenue. Unfortunately, as there will be insufficient turning for HGVs, there will be no HGV access, but for deliveries see below. Access to Whitehouse Garden will be the same, but as the junction into Whitehouse Gardens will be temporarily narrowed, temporary signals will allow vehicles in and out safely.

Phase G2 & B1: 8 March for up to 3 weeks – From Regents Park Road to in front of Snow Togs (click to see map)
The gas-main relocation will continue, but as this work moves westwards, our kerb works will follow, moving back the main kerb on Millbrook Road West. This will require the closure of lane one of Millbrook Road West for the next three phases and implementation of a temporary 30mph limit. 

Phase B2: End March for up to 4 weeks – From Whitehouse Gardens to in front of Snow Togs (click to see map)
With the gas-main relocation complete, our work to reprofile the kerb edge along the main Millbrook Road West will continue, and then our crew will flip to the service road to relocate the kerb line working back towards Whitehouse Gardens. 

Phase B3: End April for up to 8 weeks – From Whitehouse Garden to Regents Park Road (click to see map)
Work continues to relocate the kerb along the service road working westwards from Whitehouse Graden towards Regents Park Road. These works will also include major reconstruction of the Regents Park Road junction to prevent drivers from turning right and signposting to enable enforcement of the no right turn.

Phase B4: To be confirmed – Resurfacing from King George’s Avenue to Regents Park Road  
We will place advance warning signs with the dates for resurfacing the service road closer to the time. This is a fairly quick process with access maintained, albeit with some possible delays or diversions. We will write to those directly affected once details are confirmed.

For up to the minute travel information in the city, follow us on Twitter @SCChighways. For any other enquiries email

Completed scheme map: (open full screen)

Millbrook Road West completed scheme


Following the consultation where we wrote to over 1000 residents and businesses last year; the majority of those responding opted for the service road to become one-way eastbound (from King George’s Avenue to Regents Park Road) and to ban the right turn from the service road onto Regents Park Road. As a result, the council progressed with a formal consultation and public notices outlining the intention to proceed. There were nine comments and objections received, which were all considered. These included a request to allow bi-directional cycling, which is being looked at and a request to enforce the no right turn at the exit from the service road onto Regents Park Road, which is being enforced with physical measures and signage. There were concerns about the changes to access which had already been considered as part of the initial consultation and feasibility study. The council decision is therefore to proceed with the changes that will improve capacity on Millbrook Road West. All those commenting have now been written to.

You can view the public notice online and open the plan shared as part of public notices.