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COMPLETED: Wessex Lane Improvements

Wessex Lane Header


Where: Wessex Lane
What: Improvements to pedestrian, cycle, and bus facilities as well as the introduction of traffic calming measures
When: Summer 2022 and Summer 2023
Why: To make it easier for people to access Swaythling Railway Station, Woodmill Lane and the University of Southampton by bus, cycle, e-scooter, walking or wheeling
How: Funded as part of a Transforming Cities Fund awarded in March 2020

Southampton City Council in partnership with Balfour Beatty Living Places and the University of Southampton delivered the first phase of the Wessex Lane improvements in August 2022. The improvements were funded by the Transforming Cities Fund and the University of Southampton.

This work was scheduled to take place in the summer holidays in order to reduce disruption to users of the route, and Phase 1 was delivered in Summer 2022, and Phase 2 in Summer 2023.

Latest news:

August 2023

Phase 2 of the Wessex Lane improvements is now complete, which focused on the junction of Wessex Lane and Woodmill Lane. This work was partly funded by the University of Southampton.

Implemented Improvements:

  • Removing the existing traffic island at the junction and implementation of new continuous crossing for pedestrians
  • Footway widening either side of the junction to accommodate the heavy footfall
  • New pedestrian crossing and refuge island just south of the junction
  • Surface water drainage remedial works

August 2022

Phase 1 of the scheme has introduced traffic calming measures in the form of a new 20mph speed restriction throughout the area and two new speed humps near Connaught and Montefiore Halls of Residence. New pedestrian crossings for enhanced links for walking, and more convenient and safe crossing for pedestrians accessing Swaythling Railway Station and the bus stop have also been implemented. These improvements link with the relocation of the bus stop from near the Fleming Arms closer to Swaythling Railway Station, improving accessibility for all users, who are now able to clearly see a safe crossing to and from the bus stop.