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St Denys ATZ Work Information

Latest News

August 2024: COMPLETE

The developments to the St Denys area to create a better environment for everyone by identifying and making some small changes to the streets and roads are finished! We would like to say a big thank you to all residents affected for your patience while the works were in progress!

Kent Road modal filter - October 2023

These works are now completed.

St Denys Speed Cushion installation - September 2023

These works are now completed.

North Road – Monday 25th September for 1 week

These works are now completed.

Stanley Road – Monday 2nd October for 3 days

These works are now completed.

Adelaide Road – Wednesday 4th October for 2 days

These works are now completed.

Revisit to North Road and Stanley Road for 1 week

These works are now completed.

May 2023

One of the key aims at the outset of the St Denys ATZ project was to improve the local area and make active travel safer, easier and more attractive. An experimental trial of modal filters was undertaken on Kent Road and North Road and as these were shown to successfully support the project's aims the decision was taken to make the trial measures permanent at both locations. This has already taken place in North Road and will be undertaken in Kent Road in the coming months. 

Alongside the the measures implemented in Kent Road and North Road a number of continuous crossings were implemented at key junctions throughout St Denys and additional works were carried out to improve access to the Saltmead footpath on Priory Road, at the junction of Aberdeen Road. These focused on creating a safer pedestrian environment and making the area more attractive. 

During our initial consultation on the St Denys ATZ, one of the most popular suggestions for how we could improve the area was to “ask drivers to turn off their engines at the railway crossing.” We are pleased to confirm that ‘no idling’ signs have now been installed at four locations close to the railway crossing in the St Denys area.

In Autumn 2023, the filter on Kent Road will be enhanced with a permanent scheme. This will include lighting upgrades, surface repairs, coloured entry points with new signage and future installation of public art.

In south St Denys, traffic calming will be installed in Summer 2023 in the streets around North Road to make active travel routes to St Denys Primary School safer and complement the traffic filter and 20mph limit delivered as part of the ATZ.