Portswood Broadway
Latest news
8 January 2024
The results and analysis of the phase two consultation of the Portswood Project have now been published and you can view them here.
The consultation received 1,371 submissions and with 60% of respondents saying that it will make Portswood a more attractive area.
We have taken on board the feedback and the recommendation going to Cabinet on the 16 January is that the scheme will be amended as follows:
- It is proposed to have a part time restriction on the bus/taxi/cycle only section of road – 7am to 10am, and 4pm to 7pm. This will allow access to all vehicles outside of these times and emergency service vehicles will be exempt from the restriction.
- Ongoing engagement with local businesses via the Portswood Business Engagement Forum.
- The scheme will be introduced on a trial basis initially for six months to assess the impact of limiting through traffic in the area.
- A community co-design panel to be established to help shape the trial and address issues that were raised in the consultation responses, such as access for people with mobility issues and impacts on businesses.
- The length of the bus/taxi/cycle only section of road will be reduced to be from Westridge Road to St Denys Road spur (near Trago Lounge)
August 2023
The Portswood Broadway proposals look to introduce a bus/taxi/cycle only section of road along Portswood Road from Highfield Lane to Westridge Road (approximately 150 metres in length).
The bus/taxi/cycle only section of road would restrict general traffic from passing through the 150m of bus gated road, however general traffic will continue to have access to the Broadway area and any existing parking areas will be retained albeit via adjusted routes. The The bus/taxi/cycle only section of road would still allow buses, cycles, taxis and other authorised vehicles to pass fully along the Broadway.
By restricting general traffic through the Broadway but still allowing access to car parking spaces, we will improve bus journey times and deliver economic, social and environmental benefits, supporting Southampton Pound Southampton Pound - Social Value and Community Wealth Building in Southampton locally, or as social value more widely, through:
- Creation of additional pedestrian space of over 550m2, equivalent of two tennis courts
- Attract more people to visit and spend at local businesses
- Installation of benches allowing elderly, disabled and families to sit and rest
- Two new zebra Crossings
- Improved disabled access
- Improved bus journey times and reliability
- Addition green space such as planters and trees
- Additional tables and chair for al fresco dining, with a potential for 50 tables and 100 seats
- Improvements to air quality
- Making junctions safer for people who choose to walk or cycle
The proposals would improve the junction of Portswood Road and Highfield Lane to provide better walking and cycling access, upgrade the junction to smart signals to reduce waiting time and further improve bus journey time and reliability.