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The Avenue - phase 3 cycle scheme (SCN5)

The Avenue photo


  • Where: The Avenue (Part of SCN5)
  • When: COMPLETED winter 2020
  • What: Improved cycle and pedestrian facilities
  • Why: Enable more people to cycle safely and confidently from Southampton city centre to Chandler's Ford
  • How: This £1.3m scheme is funded by central Government through Transforming Cities Tranche 1, with additional funding from Southampton City Council's Local Transport Plan

Latest News

These works are now complete.

Watch the video below to see how the route looks between London Road and Northlands Road.

You can also view a map of the route in full here.

What improvements have been made to the Banister Road/Lodge Road junction?

As part of upgrading the junction to smarter technology, we have installed durable LED bulbs that last longer and use less power. We have also installed quick release 'nal sockets' for the signal poles, this will significantly reduce future disruption for maintenance. A new faster computer running the junction will enable it to respond much quicker to demand and will synchronise with other junctions to improve flow at busy times. The new signals provide remote control access to allow us to override the settings for events and other incidents. The new junction also supports rapid bus lane technology to help ensure buses run on time.

We have also added a Toucan Crossing to the Lodge Road junction, making the footway here shared use, to improve access for people cycling.


Project Details

As part of the council’s commitment to improving sustainable travel and developing Southampton’s Cycle Network, the cycle route from Inner Avenue has been extended along The Avenue from Lodge Road to Northlands Road with a combination of segregated on and off-road cycle lanes and improved cycle and pedestrian crossings. 

Works took place in multiple phases starting from 6 October for approximately 20 weeks.