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Safer Roads at Portsmouth Road

SR Portsmouth Road Botley Road 2A


  • Where: Portsmouth Road at Botley Road, Spring Road, Fort Road, Adey Close and The Grove.
  • What: Safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Why: Portsmouth Road has been identified through an independent assessment by the Road Safety Foundation on behalf of the Department for Transport for pro-active intervention to reduce the risk of injury accidents.

   Funded by UK Government


This scheme will deliver pedestrian crossing improvements at Portsmouth Road near the junctions with Spring Road, Botley Road, Adey Close, The Grove and Fort Road, funded by the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Safer Roads Fund. Portsmouth Road, which serves the local community with routes to local schools and access to green spaces, has been identified by the Road Safety Foundation, on behalf of the DfT, as a road that would benefit from additional road safety measures to help minimise the risk of accidents.

These upgrades will also support people in making sustainable and active journeys by bus, walking and wheeling in and around the Woolston, Itchen, Weston and Sholing areas.

The Safer Roads project will be delivered in 3 phases programmed from Monday 20 May 2024Wednesday 28 August 2024. Properties and businesses affected at each phase will be informed accordingly.

Latest News

July 2024

Phase 3: Portsmouth Road junction with Botley Road

We’re due to begin the phase 3 works on Monday 22 July 2024 for approximately 6 weeks, to install a new pedestrian zebra crossing nearby to Botley Road and continuous footways at Adey Close and The Grove (see map of works area overleaf).

During our works there will be temporary traffic signals in operation 24/7 on Portsmouth Road near the junction with Botley Road for a period of time. Once works have been completed in this area, the temporary traffic signals will be moved along on Portsmouth Road to its junction with Adey Close. All signals will be manually controlled at peak times to assist traffic flow.

In addition to traffic signals, there will also be road closures in place at the following locations:

  • Botley Road will be closed for the duration of works to create a welfare and safety zone for our team whilst we carry out our works in this area and to help manage traffic flow on Portsmouth Road.
  • The Grove will be closed during the final stages of this project phase to complete the installation of the continuous crossing and maintenance works in this location. Prior to the start of works, we will need to suspend parking in this area using ‘no-waiting’ cones. Please do not park where you see these cones as we may need to remove vehicles which block access to our works
  • Adey Close will have traffic light signals for the majority of works, however, a road closure will be in place at Adey Close on 29 August for 1 day to allow the installation of a continuous texture printed surface.
  • Stubbs Road at the junction with Lowry Road will be closed for the duration of works to prevent traffic congestion for residents that live in the area.

The works will be completed during the day between 7:00am and 5:00pm.

Phase 3: Monday 22 July – Wednesday 28 August 2024

  • The installation of a pedestrian zebra crossing on Portsmouth Road just west of its junction with Botley Road and continuous footways on both Portsmouth Road near its junctions with Adey Close and The Grove.
  • Please see map (left) for an indication of the restrictions expected to be in place during construction, however these are subject to changes.

June 2024

Phase 2: Portsmouth Road junction with Fort Road 

  • Continuous crossing installed at the junction of Portsmouth Road and Fort Road

May 2024 

Phase 1: Portsmouth Road junction with Spring Road

  • Installation of a new zebra crossing at the Portsmouth Road junction with Spring Road 
  • Resurfacing and anti-skid road surfacing on Portsmouth Road junction with Spring Road 

Please be aware that these dates are subject to changes and progress of the works. In the event that works are significantly delayed or ahead of schedule, we will alert you of any changes to the construction dates using yellow ‘advance warning’ signs in the area.


May 2024 - Design

This project has now progressed to construction and will be delivered over three phases between May and August of 2024. We have timed the most impactful work with the summer holidays when traffic flows are lower to minimise disruption. Localised resurfacing work has also been factored into the construction to reduce future disruption. Thank you for your patience while we deliver these needed road safety and pedestrian improvements.

What we will be delivering:

 Manor Road South to Fort Road

  • Continuous footway on Fort Road at junction with Portsmouth Road
  • High Friction surfacing on approaches to existing push button crossing just west of Hazeleigh Avenue
  • High Friction surfacing on approaches to existing toucan crossing east of Manor Road South
  • (Click here for the design drawing of the works at Fort Road)

Station Road to Spring Road  

Adey Close

Botley Road and The Grove


Example zebra crossing at Station RoadExample zebra crossing at Station Road Example continuous crossing at the junction of Fort Road and Porchester Road
Example zebra crossing (Station Road) Example continuous crossing (Fort Road/Porchester Road)


What You Said

We would like to thank respondents who provided comments and feedback during the Traffic Regulation Order process. These submission have now been reviewed and factored into the designs. The following is a summary of the comments made and how they have influenced the scheme:

  • The proposed location of new zebra crossing close to junction with Spring Road is not safe  - The design has been amended to include a centre island which allows for better visibility of people crossing as well as an additional 'belisha' beacon on the crossing point. The design has been subject to an independent Road Safety Audit which will be repeated post construction.
  • A new crossing will add delay to drivers – The zebra crossing typically reduces delay to both people walking and driving compared to a push button crossing. During peak periods drivers may be held at the crossing but are unlikely to increase their journey time due to general traffic flows requiring them to wait at signalised junctions at present.
  • There is already a crossing near Spring Road close to the proposed one – The crossing facility at Wrights Hill does not provide a pedestrian phase to the southern side of Portsmouth Road. It is also a diversion for people wanting to cross and continue west or on the Shoreburs Greenway route.
  • Raised tables are not needed in these locations – Designs for the three continuous footways are not now on raised tables.
  • Footpath between Adey Close and Botley Road is not wide enough for people walking and cycling to share safely – This short section of shared use has been removed from the design.

October 2023

Consultation on the Traffic Regulation Orders for works at Botley Road, Adey Close and Spring Road opened on 6 October 2023 and closed on 27 October 2023.