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Ring Road Improvements

Ring Road Drone (1)

What works have been implemented?

Improved transport corridor that allows smoother traffic flows providing a better alternative to New Road and enables bus priority as well as better connectivity across the corridor for people walking and cycling.

  • Increase walking and cycling between the Cultural and High Street Quarters and wider City Centre
  • Provide improved pedestrian and cycle junction upgrades along the Ring Road
  • Improved journey times for traffic including buses through smart technology junction upgrades
  • Increased open spaces and connectivity between open spaces across the Ring Road prioritising people cycling and walking

Benefits of the improvements

  • Smart technology signal improvements along the entire Northern Inner Ring Road corridor, improving general traffic flow whilst providing bus and cycle priority on junction approaches through low level signals and advance stop lines
  • Improved pedestrian and cycle crossings at key junctions to improve connectivity across the Ring Road
  • A pocket park at Devonshire Road junction creating a public realm area between Polygon and the Ring Road
  • EV charging points at Brunswick Place and Grosvenor Square being Southampton’s first on-street charging points.

For information on the previous phases of the Ring Road improvements, please click the sidebar link to view the Completed Phases and Scheme Information.