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College Place Cycle Scheme - Complete


  • Where: College Place
  • When: COMPLETE
  • What: Installing a cycleway on College Place, linking Dorset Street to London Road
  • Why: To link the cycle route from The Avenue to the city centre, creating a safer, more pleasant environment for cyclists

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This scheme was completed on Tuesday 21 July 2020.

Project details

We will be installing a shared use cycleway/footway through College Place. The work will include resurfacing the footway and carriageway as well as installing signage, railings and bollards in places. The new shared cycleway will complete a section of the SCN5 cycle route linking Dorset Street to London Road, creating a safe route for cyclists from The Avenue to the city centre. Investing in cycling infrastructure will contribute to the Council’s Green City Charter by encouraging more people onto bicycles, resulting in better air quality to protect the environment.


Phasing of work

Phase 1: Monday 11 May for approximately 2 weeks

We will be working from 17 College Place to The Mortgage Hut.

Phase 2: Monday 1 June for approximately 2 weeks

We will be working from 13 College Place to Virgin Money.

Phase 3: Early-June for approximately 2 weeks

We will be working from PIP Consultation Centre to Warner Goodman.

Phase 4: Early-July for approximately 2 weeks

We will be working from Abels Solicitors to Jonathan Terry.

Phase 5: Thursday 16 July until Tuesday 21 July

We will be resurfacing the carriageway of College Place. This will require a closure of the road for the duration of the work, from 8pm on the Thursday until 6am on the Tuesday.