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Portland Terrace bus/taxi/cycle only

Latest News


13 February 2024


Enforcement will start on Monday 26 February, people who drive through the restriction will now receive a Warning Notice, and on their second contravention they will receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £70 (reduced to £35 if paid within 21 days). 


Since the introduction of the bus/taxi/cycle only restriction, there has been a significant reduction in the number of vehicles on Portland Terrace; from an average of 10,000 vehicles per day down to 2,000 a day. However, the number of vehicles on the road is still causing delays to bus operations along the road, therefore the decision has been made to increase signage on approach roads and introduce enforcement measures for the bus/taxi /cycle only stretch of road.


Warning Letters and PCN’s will be sent through the post to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle.  To allow enough time between a Warning Notice being processed and received by the driver, there will be a period of approximately two weeks after a Warning Notice is activated and a PCN is issued.


All money received from Penalty Charge Notices will be used to pay for the upkeep and running of the camera system and any surplus funds are reinvested into Southampton’s transport network as set out in national legislation.   


Project details

To support the upcoming Albion Place Bus Hub, Portland Terrace will become bus/taxi and cycle only between Spa Road, to the rear of Boots, and Castle Way Car Park from Monday 13 November. Emergency service vehicles will be exempt from the restriction.

In the map below, the red section shows the bus/taxi/cycle only area.


  • Improved bus journey times by up to 10 minutes for buses crossing the city from east to west and back again. 
  • The reduction in traffic along Portland Terrace will also benefit pedestrians and cyclists as it will create a safer environment for all.
  • Taxi drivers, who use this road for transporting passengers from Central Station to the docks and city centre will also benefit from the improved journey times, as will people with mobility issues who use taxis to move about the city.


All other vehicles will still be able to access parking and services along Portland Terrace via either accessing from the north via Civic Centre Road/Havelock Road or from the South via Town Quay Through traffic is still able to use the ring road along with local roads. Alternative route mapping can be seen below.

Construction date: 16 October – 13 November

Schedule of Works 

Monday 16th October & Tuesday 17th October

Installation of posts for the new signage

Monday 23rd October

Signage to be installed on the new posts, however signs will be covered until the 13th November

Sunday 12th November

Road markings to be installed overnight

Monday 13th November

Bus, taxi and cyclist only comes into operation

During the installation, lane restrictions may be in place on Portland Terrace to allow the team to safely install the new poles and signage.