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Priory Road Railway Improvement Works

DJI 0264

Network Rail will be conducting essential structural improvement works on the bridge over Priory Road near St Denys station. These works are part of a scheme to improve the condition of structure. These works are essential for maintaining a safe, reliable service for passengers.

The work will require a road closure of Priory Road under the structure, this will enable Network Rail to have a small site set up and be able to undertake repairs to the underside of the structure. A pedestrian route will continue to be available underneath the bridge. Network Rail would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience while they carry out these works.

Information below regarding the work taking place has come directly from Network Rail:



Work to be carried out 

17th February to 2nd March

Daytime working

The road closure under Priory Road railway bridge will be closed. We will start our site set up, including the erecting scaffolding to enable us to undertake repairs.


3rd March – 11th April

Daytime working

We will be using this time to undertake repairs by busting or drilling rivets, installing steel strengthening & repairs, preparing and repainting the underside of the structure.


Due to the tools that we will be using you may experience some disturbance while we undertake the works, but every effort will be made to minimise as much noise as possible and conduct the noisiest works during daytime hours.

12th April – 18th April

24hr working


During the week long closure of the railway line, we will be working 24hr hours a day to deliver the works on the top of the bridge. This work will again require the use of noisy tools and machinery to erect trackside scaffold, install steel strengthening & repairs, prepare and repaint the trackside of the structure and dismantle the trackside scaffold.


Due to the tools that we will be using you may experience some disturbance while we undertake the works, but every effort will be made to minimise as much noise as possible and conduct the noisiest works during daytime hours.

19th April to 10th July

Daytime working

Completion works, snagging, post-work surveys, scaffold dismantling, demobilisation and lifting of road closure.


Following the completion of these structural investigations, Network Rail will be returning in February 2025 and closing the road to erect scaffolding under the bridge and set up a welfare compound to enable the repairs. The main works will then commence in April 2025 to undertake the repairs and repainting of the structure. The main works are expected to take approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete, with the road closed for the duration. The footpaths under the bridge will be affected at times for short durations when we carry out the works to the underside of the bridge. Network Rail will write to residents again with further information on this project nearer the time.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please telephone our 24-Hour National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or visit quoting “Priory Road Underbridge Structural Investigations”.