- Where: Millbrook Road West - Westbound
- When: Overnight from Monday 23 November for six nights, including Saturday
- What: To resurface the dual carriageway as part of our annual road maintenance programme
- Why: To replace the road surface on this very busy route as it reaches the end of its life
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Overnight work is planned to start at 8pm on Monday 23 November 2020.
Phases of work
The work is scheduled from Monday 23 November for one week including the weekend (weather permitting) and will require an overnight closure of Millbrook Road West westbound from Millbrook Roundabout to Millbrook Point Road (see map below). Working hours will be between 8pm and 6am. These closures will not be in place during the day.
The works are weather dependant and so the dates above are subject to change, however, we will endeavour to meet the proposed schedule. Advanced warning signs erected on site will advise of any changes to dates closer to the time.
Properties close to the carriageway may experience disturbance as this is a noisy process and our equipment requires safety features such as flashing lights and reversing sirens. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience or disruption these works, the decision to undertake overnight work is never taken lightly.
Pedestrians and cyclists are unaffected. Bus services running after 8pm westbound will be affected, please speak to your service provider for details of any changes to routing and stops.
Abnormal loads exiting the city from the Eastern Docks are being diverted via the Western Docks from Dock Gate 10 to Dock Gate 20.
For up to the minute travel information in the city follow us on Twitter @SCChighways. For any other enquiries, please email
The map shows the extent of the closure in black and the area being resurfaced in red, with the signed diversion route in blue: