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Hill Lane and Lordswood Road Works

Hill Lane Capture Editted


  • Where: Hill Lane and Lordswood Road
  • When: Wednesday 8 December for 3 days
  • What & Why: Resurfacing and refreshing the existing road markings 

Project Details

Resurfacing works:

Location – Hill Lane

Dates – Wednesday December 8 - Friday December 10

Working Hours – 7:30am to 5:30pm

Traffic Management – To undertake this work safely, we will need to implement a road closure on Hill Lane. Advanced warning signs will advise of any changes closer to the time. A signed diversion route will also be in place during these works.

Road marking works:

Location – Lordswood Road

Date – Thursday 9 December

Working Hours – 8:00 pm to 6:00 am

Traffic Management – To undertake this work safely, we will need to implement a road closure on Lordswood Road.

Map showing closure on Hill Lane

Map to show closure on Lordswood Road