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Dunkirk Road Active Travel Zone (ATZ)


Where: Dunkirk Road, Arnheim Road and Coxford Road areas 

When: Consulting from February 2024 onwards 

What: Active Travel Zone in Dunkirk Road area as a transport and highway project to improve access to the Outdoor Sports Centre 

Why: To improve access to the Outdoor Sports Centre by identifying and making improvements to nearby streets and roads that will enable people to use active and sustainable travel to the sports centre and mitigate predicted changes in traffic patterns in the Dunkirk Road area because of the car park. 


The Outdoor Sports Centre redevelopment includes a new car park to accommodate increases in people visiting the site. 

The proposed entrance to the new car park will be from Dunkirk Road, resulting in an increase in traffic in the Dunkirk Road area. An Active Travel Zone (ATZ) is being considered to develop suitable measures to help reduce traffic passing through the neighbourhood. 

The goal of this project is to improve sustainable travel options to the Outdoor Sports Centre and reduce the impact of the forecast increase in additional traffic. 

What is an Active Travel Zone? 

ATZs are neighbourhoods that encourage active travel through a range of measures which calm or discourage traffic and help people walking and cycling while at the same time maintaining access for people living there. An ATZ is developed in partnership with residents to ensure their views and opinions are listened to and implemented into the proposals. 

An ATZ can consist of a range of measures to create safe routes local greening, and streets for people to safely move around in.  


We will be inviting residents in the relevant areas to take part in co-design workshops from the end of February via letter. The purpose of co-design workshops is to present different highway design solutions to residents to see if these would be suitable or preferred. Residents are the most knowledgeable about their areas and should guide possible changes.  

Residents will be informed of design decisions during a subsequent consultation period, aiming to take place by September 2024. After further design processes, construction of the ATZ is aimed to be between September 2024 – March 2025.