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Frogmore Lane and Brownhill Way junction improvements - COMPLETE

Frogmore Junc Before After

Before and after works


  • Where: Frogmore Lane/Brownhill Way
  • When: October 2021 until March 2022
  • What: Engagement on the proposed Park & Ride facilities.
  • Why: To support existing bus services to the Hospital
  • How: Funded as part of the Transforming Cities programme

Latest News

May 2022

Scheme has been completed. Thank you for your patience during the construction. 

October 2021

On Thursday 14 October, planned improvements will commence on Frogmore Lane and Lower Brownhill Road junction with Brownhill Way. This is to simplify the existing junction and improve journey times and will be up to 28 weeks between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm.

To make sure we can work safely and minimise disruption we will maintain single lane, two-way traffic along Brownhill Way, however, we will be restricting access at the Frogmore Lane and Brownhill Way junction with a left turn only into and out of Frogmore Lane.

Brownhill Way will have night time closures near the end of the works to undertake resurfacing and we will provide an update closer to the time with more details Advanced warning signs will be used as the works progress to keep you informed, and pedestrian access with be maintained throughout.

Map to show closures, pedestrian crossing and access to Frogmore Lane

September Update

On Monday 27 September, works will start to upgrade the footpath between Colne Avenue and Brownhill Way and install a temporary crossing on Brownhill Way. Work will be between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm each day for up to three weeks. This is in preparation for the main junction improvement works, which will start on 18th October for up to 28 weeks. 

Brownhill Way: Single lane closures will be put in place on the east and west bound carriageways of Brownhill Way as the works moved from one side to the other. This will allow traffic to filter into single file to pass.

Lower Brownhill Road: Single lane closures will be put in place once works start with vehicles able to give and take to pass.

Footpath connecting Colne Avenue and Lower Brownhill Way: Works will be undertaken in two sections with pedestrians being redirected along existing footpaths.

Project Details

In March this year, we undertook a survey about proposed changes to the junctions of Frogmore Lane, Brownhill Way, and Lower Brownhill Road. 50% of those responding agreed with the proposals, and only 30% disagreed. When asked what people don’t like about the junction, the majority said delays and the staggered junction that causes the delays. When asked what they would improve, traffic flow, more greenery and landscaping, and better pedestrian crossings were the favoured options.

The proposed scheme simplifies the junction, making it more efficient with shorter delays and more capacity. This will allow for a new park and ride bus service between Frogmore Lane and the General Hospital that will run on weekdays, but the changes will benefit all traffic using this route. In addition, the scheme has improvements to the pedestrian crossings, lighting, landscaping and number of trees planted. As an additional safety measure, we have proposed a left turn only from Lower Brownhill Road (west) to Lower Brownhill Road (east), more details can be found on the TRO website below.

Thank you to all those who wrote in to give their views. From the informal consultation, the majority of feedback received was in support of a scheme, based on this, the council decided to progress plans by giving notice of its intention and entering a statutory consultation period.
Copies of the Traffic Management Regulation documents proposed can be viewed here. The statutory consultation period has now closed.

Scheme proposed design: